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[For NTSE]

National Talent Search Examination(NTSE)

The National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) is a National Level scholarship program in India to identify and nurture talented students. It honours and helps talented students by providing financial assistance in the form of a monthly scholarship for the entire Academic Career. Students studying in Class X are eligible to appear for the selection process. As it is organized by an official body (NCERT), it is widely regarded as the most prestigious examination at high school level in India. For more details of NTSE, students can visit

National Talent Search Examination(NTSE) is a national-level scholarship test in India to recognize students with high academic talent It is one of the most prestigious exams in India for secondary level students. Nearly 10,00,000 students will appear for this scholarship exam every year. Out of all, 1000 scholarships would be awarded through merit without any restrictions like parental income, government school, domicile etc.

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Why should I appear in NTSE?

NTSE is one of the oldest and most prestigious scholarship exams in India. An NTSE scholar commands tremendous respect in the society. Around 2000 NTSE Scholars are finally awarded scholarships based on Stage – II.

It honours and helps talented students by providing financial assistance in the form of a monthly scholarship. The scholarships under the present scheme are awarded to the candidates for pursuing courses in sciences and social sciences up to doctoral level and in professional courses like medicine and engineering up to second-degree level subject to the fulfillment of the conditions.

Pattern of Written Examination:
Stage - I examination at the State / UT level will comprise of two parts, namely (a) Mental Ability Test (MAT) and (b) Scholastic Ability Test (SAT).

Stage - II *examination at the National Level will also comprise of two parts, (a) Mental Ability Test (MAT) and (b) Scholastic Ability Test (SAT).

At both Stage I & Stage – II (State & National Level), only candidates qualifying in both the papers separately will be considered for merit. Selection of the awardees will be made on the basis of total Marks scored in MAT & SAT based on merit. There will be No Negative Marking in both Stage I & Stage II Examination.